New Italian Mandolin Masterpieces!
Thanks for your interest in the unique mandolins designed and built by Corrado Giacomel of Genoa, Italy. I’m very excited to be helping this gifted builder promote and distribute these wonderful instruments. I was certainly impressed enough with his J5 model to take it to my first gig after receiving it. Here’s a tune that I recorded with a Giacomel mandolin on my FolkJazz Trio project:
Listen to Beautiful Dreamer:
We’ve just received a new Giacomel Blues 4 model. The Blues 4 is an f-hole style mandolin with both clarity and grit, plus the balance and response that Giacomel instruments are known for. It’s also priced well below the standard J5. This mandolin is a joy to play and hear.
Giacomel instruments are also available at Carter Vintage Guitars in Nashville.
David Grisman
Contact: David Grisman –